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tv   ABC News Good Morning America  ABC  November 17, 2012 7:00am-8:00am EST

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good morning, america. this morning, "twilight" terror, police arrest the young man who they say was planning an aurora city massacre, during the new "twilight" film. breaking overnight. fighting in the middle east intensifies. israeli air strikes pound gaza, as the military preps for a possible ground invasion, as hamas rockets invade jerusalem and tel aviv. we're on the scene. the kickup nightmare. we've all had them. they are annoying. but this guy is going on 13-straight days. he even went to the hospital. can doctors find him a cure? and we have the need for
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speed. we go from the anchor desk to the driver's seat for a daredevil nascar race with some of the sport's biggest stars. >> bring it on. i'm ready. good morning, everybody. we all did a certain amount of trash-talking. but i will admit, i've covered some dicey stories before. i was nervous. >> i was petrified. i thought, this is taking it a bit too far. >> ginger, you were actually scared. >> i was scared. i don't get scared. i was so nervous. and it was mostly learning to drive a stick shift. >> dan was learning to drive a car. >> picking up on what ron just said, this little experiment turned out well for some of us. not so well for others. also on the show, we have the latest on the disastrous oil rig explosion in the gulf of
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mexico. just 85 miles from that bp disaster. the search for the missing workers intensified overnight. and we have the latest details. and we all love finding money crumpled up in the pockets of old jeans or between the couch cushions. but this man found an old lottery ticket in a desk drawer that made him an instant millionaire. and more surprising, what he plans to do with the money. we're going to start with ron and the other headlines developing overnight. we're going to begin with the mass shooting that was averted. the alleged plot to shoot up a movie theater during a "twilight mo "twilight" movie. it was the movie massacre that might have been. but the suspected plot was stopped by a mother who turned in the suspect, her own son. his alleged target, the sunday showing of the newest "twilight" movie, "breaking dawn part 2."
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the mother of blake lambers called police last thursday. she was concerned that her son was planning a copycat shooting similar to the aurora "dark knight rises" rampage. when questioned by police, he allegedly confessed that he purchased two assault rifles, 400 rounds of ammo. and planned a mass shooting at this movie theater. according to police, he said he was inspired by the aurora, colorado, shootings. his friends, in disbelief. >> i was shocked. i mean, he was in our house. i was really close to him. i helped him buy the rifles. he told me it was for hunting. >> reporter: police say his "twilight" terror plot, was so advanced, that lammers had bought a movie ticket.
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>> i was going to watch "twilight breaking dawn" with my family and friends. and it's scary to hear this now. >> and police say lammes was planning a shooting spree at a local walmart. he faces felony charges. and former cia director david petraeus apologized for the affair that ended his career. the focus of the hearing was the attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi, libya. petraeus said he knew from early on that the organized -- that organized terrorists were behind that attack. but the names of the groups suspected were not made public, to avoid tipping them off they were being pursued. and a tragic accident in egypt has left dozens of children dead. at least 47 children were killed when a train collided with a bus carrying them to kindergarten. it appeared that the crossing
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was not closed. and new information about the deadly accident involving a freight train and a parade float. the train was traveling below the speed limit. investigators were trying to determine if enough warning had been given to clear the tracks. and finally, history uncovered by hurricane sandy. the storm exposed the remains of a ship wreck on the dunes of new york's fire island on long island. the wreckage is believed to be a four-masted canadian cole schooner called "the bessy white." the storm shifted the dunes more than 70 feet. how about that? >> it shows how powerful that storm really was. >> took an almost direct hit. a lot of damage there. >> ron, thanks. meantime, the search is still on for two oil workers missing after a disastrous explosion and fire that ripped through a gulf oil rig. 11 workers are injured. and abc's john schriffen is in new orleans with the very latest. john, what do we know? >> reporter: well, bianna, good
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morning. we know that the coast guard launched the chopper just a short while ago to resume the search from the air. all night, they've been out in boats just like this one, using night vision goggles and infrared technology. so far, there's no sign of the two, missing workers. but the coast guard is using the latest technology to find them before it's too late. it's an all-out effort from the coast guard units from the air and the sea, for the two platform workers who have been missing close to 24 hours. authorities have not revealed their names or genders. but they believe they are out there alive. the two disappeared after jumping into the water off the coast of louisiana when the oil platform they were working on suddenly exploded. the blast was so intense, black smoke billowed more than 1,000 feet into the air and could be seen 20 miles away on shore. black elk energy says 1 of 22
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contractors onboard, improperly used a blowtorch to cut the pipeline igniting the explosion. 11 workers were medevacked to safety. four with severe burns. >> when there's an incident, it hurts. >> reporter: as far as the oil spill, the coast guard says the impact is minimal because the rig was shut down at the time. >> the environmental threat, as we know, there was 20 gallons that potentially were in that 3-inch line, which would equate to approximately 28 gallons of product. >> reporter: not even enough to fill a large suv's gas tank. in comparison, bp's deepwater horizon disaster, 2 1/2 years ago, spilled enough daily to fill the gas tanks of 82,000 suvs. and just a few hours ago, two more boats actually doubled in size arrived on the scene to help with the search.
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which is a 45-mile, by 30-mile radius. the weather has been cooperating. there are no storms in sight. so, they do have a clear line of vision. hopefully, these two workers will be found soon. dan? >> one bit of good news there. john, thank you. now, to the middle east on the brink this morning. the israelis have been firing hundreds more rockets into gaza, with hamas firing back. and a decision about a ground invasion could come this weekend. we have team coverage this morning. christiane amanpour is in jerusalem. we're going to start with alex ma marquardt, in gaza. >> reporter: we have been watching the warplane as they continue to pound this enclave. some of hamas' most important buildings have been targeted. and many are wondering whether this aerial campaign will soon become a ground invasion. this is life in gaza these days.
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a relentless stream of booms and whooshes, as israeli missiles land and militant rockets are launched. in israeli crosshairs overnight, hamas' seat of power, blown up. another hamas building targeted from the sea. all reduced to rubble. in israel on friday, sirens in jerusalem, as the sacred city was targeted for the first time in more than 40 years. a rocket fell ten miles short. no one was hurt. two days in a row, residents of tel aviv, the commercial center, ran for cover, as sirens sounded. >> you know, life is continuing. we're not going to let hamas or other people in gaza to interrupt my way of life. >> reporter: three israelis and almost 40 palestinians have been killed in the past 4 days. around half of them, civilians. we saw the wounded rushed to gaza's biggest hospital. its intensive care unit filled with what doctors say are just
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civilians. are you able to cope if this escalation continues? >> if it continues, we can't. of course, we can't. >> reporter: it looks set to continue, with columns of israeli tanks and troops massing along the border with gaza, fueling fears here of a ground war. the israeli army has called up 20,000 reservists. it's clear that israel is preparing for a drawn-out conflict. local authorities have been told to be ready for seven weeks of fighting. dan? >> seven weeks. alex, thank you. let's go to jerusalem. coming under fire for the first time. abc's global affairs anchor, christian amanpour is there. i've been to israel during times of war. and often the mood is less panic and more grim determination. how would you describe what you're hearing and seeing from people there this morning? >> reporter: well, certainly, what we're seeing, obviously, is some anxiety. but i think grim determination, as well. not just here in jerusalem but in tel aviv, as well. we were in the old city of
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jerusalem. and it's is bustling there. nobody there seems to be too afraid. there's a lot of tourists out there. a lot of local people out. that seems to be going on and proceeding as normal. what's happening is the equation is somewhat changed. now, when the israelis hit gaza, the hamas has decided that they're going to hit their long-range missile. and for the first time this week, they have targeted jerusalem and tel aviv. fortunately, no casualties. but this is a new element for the tit for tat that's going on between the two sides. >> "the new york times" reporting this morning that the white house is worried about an israeli ground invasion, perhaps playing into the hands of hamas, the militants that run the government there. are the israelis worried about that? >> reporter: i think, if you talk to the israelis, they say we're going to do what we have to do. it's our right. we must. we have to defend against the rockets falling in and injuring our people. but i think underlying, there is obviously a concern about if they do go in on the ground, how
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will that end? and what will that mean? and what will be the backfire, the blowback, on israel? the united states is concerned. it has relations with israel, but also with the other arab nations in this part of the world. this is the first such israeli/palestinian conflict since the arab spring. and the arab leaders are standing shoulder-to-shoulder with hamas, than they did ever before in these situations. if there is a ground invasion, first and foremost on everybody's mind, is what if there are civilian casualties. unacceptable numbers of civilian casualties. that has potential to destabilize this part of the world. destabilize this part of the world with its only two friends here, egypt and jordan. >> the new middle east. christiane amanpour, we're so happy to have you there reporting. thank you. back here at home, there is some encouraging news coming out
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of the first round of negotiations about the looming fiscal cliff crisis. after meeting with president obama, democratic and republican leaders say they were confident about reaching an agreement. about's david kerley has the details from the white house. david, we all remember how badly these negotiations ended in 2011. a lot of people wondering if this time will be any different. >> reporter: we'll see, bianna. but you could hear it. there was a big difference. it was the tone. that doesn't mean we have a deal at hand to end the so-called fiscal cliff. it is big. and it affects every one of us. >> we have some urgent business to do. >> reporter: after that big white house meeting, did it feel like someone took their foot off the gas pedal as we head toward a steep cliff? >> we had a constructive meeting with the president. >> it was a constructive meeting. >> reporter: sounds like some progress. and we need some because this is what happens january 1st if the president and congress don't make a deal. first, those so-called bush tax cuts will expire. which in essence means, a tax
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increase for every taxpayer. oh, and that 2% cut in the payroll taxes we've had to pay for the past two year, will also go away. and the number of small tax cuts for businesses and individuals, disappear. as well as unemployment benefits for the long-term unemployed. now, if that wasn't enough, there's that poison pill, too. mandatory cuts. $55 billion at the pentagon. another $55 billion in domestic programs. everything from the education department to the parks service. altogether, this is $500 billion, which some say could send the country back into recession. for abc's "this week," martha raddatz asked the house democratic leader if there's room for compromise on that issue. >> could you accept a deal that does not include tax increases for the wealthy? >> no. the president has been very clear that the higher-income people have to pay their fair
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share. >> reporter: while wall street liked the constructive talks, main street businesses want a deal. they can't plan, hire or increase production without knowing what taxes they'll be paying next year. the president is off to a four-day trip to asia. talks will continue. there's some predictions that something could be worked out before christmas. that may not be the big deal. but at least the framework that pushes a lot of this over into next year. >> that would be a great christmas gift. david, thank you. be sure to watch abc's "this week." martha raddatz will be in for george stephanopoulos tomorrow. and you'll see more of the house democratic leader, nancy pelosi's first sunday interview since the election. time, now, for the forecast. let's get it to ginger zee. a lot going on in the northwest. >> the pacific northwest. some of the rainiest times of the year. this isn't that out of the ordinary. but i want to show you the first storm already dropping some snow. let's look at video from lake tahoe. you can see the snow was falling. this is the beginning of about a two-day attack from the
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northwest. and ski season is starting and starting so much better from last year. the snow in the higher elevations going to be helpful there. by monday morning, we'll have that next storm. it's kind of a one-two punch going through the weekend. how much rain? two to four inches in this area. redding, you're included. sacramento's on the south end of it. some of the spots in the far west. it's not just rain. it's not just snow. but also 50-mile-per-hour-plus winds. how much snow can you include in this? lake tahoe up to two feet in some places. northern california, up through parts of the cascades, mt. rainier, even
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>> speaking of winter and snow and all that fun, i got a picture from one of my old students, brandon. he works in duluth, minnesota. hello to winter. and then, we go into the next beautiful picture. this is from one of the harde hardest-it areas in new jersey. it was peaceful. share all of your weather photos, please. >> a lot of people suffering post-sandy. it's nice to have a nice shot out of there. thank you, ginger. we're going to turn to a medical mystery of the most annoying kind. a man in me hasn't been able to stop hiccupping for 13, agonizing days. the poor guy went to the hospital seeking help. mark greenblatt is here with his story. >> reporter: we're talking about
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a rare medical condition, called the persistent hiccups. it has one family in maine desperately searching for a cure. for the last 13 days. for nearly every waking hour, mickey cheney tried just about everything you can imagine to get the hiccups to stop, all to no avail. >> i drank some red apple vinegar. i sat upside down, drank water. >> reporter: the problem eventually landed cheney in a hospital in portland, maine, earlier this month. his worried wife says it's become a serious health concern. >> i watched 15 pounds slide off of him in the past 12 days. >> reporter: it began, he was at work, making deliveries for u.p.s. >> first, i was thinking, it's got to go away. it hurts. basically, like it's doing like i do a situp every time i hiccup. >> reporter: doctors thought the cause was severe heartburn and
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sent him home with medicine. it didn't stop. >> anything you're going to do with that frequency has the potential for becoming a serious issue. >> reporter: one journal study says more than 4,000 americans are hospitalized every year due to persistent hiccups. as a teenager, jennifer's hiccups gained national notoriety as the hiccup girl. she couldn't stop for five weeks. as for the cheneys, they're hoping micky's hiccups have a happy ending, one they want to see sooner rather than later. charles osbourne holds the world record for hiccupping. it started in 1922 and kept hiccupping for 68 years. until one day, the hiccups just suddenly stopped. >> mystery. i feel so bad for that guy, though. >> the guy, that's not a comforting story for the guy in
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me. happier news, now. it involves a retired pastor, who decided to do some house cleaning. there he is. and that's when he found an old lottery ticket. abc's tanya rivero is here to tell us what happened next. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. who hasn't dreamt of getting one of those oversized checks with lots of zeros on it? one charming and utterly deserving illinois couple just got one with six zeros. when you hear where the ticket was hiding, you might think it was heaven sent. >> now, they're celebrating. >> to our health. >> reporter: but lottery winners, ron and kathy yurcus nearly missed their million dollar moment. the chaplain bought his ticket two months ago and promptly forgot about it. >> it was on my dresser for a few weeks. but it made its way down to my office. >> reporter: his messy desk held buried treasure. a stash of old lottery tickets. one instantly made him a
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millionaire. >> i was bowled over when i saw what it was. i would have liked to have screamed. but nobody was home. why waste a good scream? >> reporter: kathy was in disbelief. >> $1 million? okay? >> reporter: but that euphoric moment pales for this pius pair who has their priorities straight. >> saying i do to her was the better moment. >> reporter: now, after spending much of their lives caring for others, the couple can look forward to their retirement. >> i know you married me for my money. duh did you know it would take 45 years to get it? >> reporter: and sharing the wealth. >> a dream list of charities we plan to donate to. >> reporter: there's been an outpouring of congratulations from folks who say it couldn't have happened to better people. >> i don't feel that that's true. but that has been a gift. >> reporter: aren't they great?
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the yurcuses, are taking a lump sum payment. if he had one more number, his prize would have been $50 million. he has no regrets. saying that kind of money can ruin someone's life. >> a hospice chaplain. some of the most difficult work on the planet. >> if that's what it takes to get husbands to do housework -- peter. >> why did you have to go there. coming up on "gma," the frantic 911 call played at the trial of the high school valedictorian accused of killing his mom. they had trouble finding an impartial jury for the trial. and wild ride. we hit the track with nascar stars who hit speeds of 200 miles per hour. will we be ready for our own high speed race? >> that shot is very michael bay. and coming up, rihanna charters a jet for the ultimate
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party with her fans. so, what went down onboard? we'll tell you more, coming up in "pop news," after this quick break. it's "gma." anncr: some politicians seem to think medicare and... social security are just numbers in a budget. well, we worked hard for those benefits. we earned them. and if washington tries to cram decisions about the future... of these programs into a last minute budget deal... we'll all pay the price. aarp is fighting to protect seniors with responsible...
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solutions that strengthen medicare and... social security for generations to come. we can do better than a last minute deal... that would hurt all of us.
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onof chocolate lovers from the thmelting point of chocolate. so when you take hershey's chocolate and add bubbles, it deliciously melts the moment you take a bite. hershey's air delight. it just might make you melt. hellmann's and holiday leftovers become irresistibly creamy turkey casserole. real delicious hellmann's. bring out the hellmann's. bring out the best.
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♪ how you like me now how you like me now ♪ oh, boy. what an amazing and terrifying experience that was. the four of us behind the wheel of some of the fastest cars on the planet. this is usually the kind of thing we send ginger to do on her own. but somehow, we all got pulled into doing it. we were lucky enough to have the biggest names in nascar as our teachers, training us for our big race. but could they really help at the end of the day? good morning, america. i'm bianna golodryga. this was my husband's idea to do this. until we were strapped in. >> i like the michael bay, "days
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of thunder" shot. ron, you look particularly dashing. >> i look like a guy with a bad back. >> no, you don't. give yourself some credit. this is saturday november 17th. remember this picture of gold medal gymnast michaela maroni. her expression went viral. now, her and the rest of the olympic team have visited the white house. was mr. obama able to get a smile out of her? we'll show you, coming up. >> that's a big question. also, special delivery. what fast food chain is making it easier to have it your way right at home? and right here in the studio, as well. take a guess, ron. it's coming up. >> we'll get to that in a bit. we're going to start with the opening statements in a case we've been following closely here on "gma." the high school valedictorian accused of killing his own mother. the young man so popular in his hometown, the judge had a problem empaneling an impartial
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jury. >> reporter: he's a beloved figure in his community, all-around good guy. jeffrey pyne says he didn't kill his mother. his surviving family says he didn't do it. but prosecutors began making their case. jeffrey pyne sat expressionless, as prosecutors told the jury how he bludgeoned, stabbed and killed his mother, ruth. >> he hit her. and he hit her again. and again. >> reporter: played in court, 911 tapes of the horror witnessed by jeffrey pyne's father and sister, who found ruth pyne's body. >> i don't know what's going on. >> okay. is she in the house or outside? >> she's in the garage. >> reporter: prosecutors contend jeffrey pyne killed his mother in anger from years of abuse. ruth pyne was bipolar and violent. she was arrested for beating and choking her son just nine months
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before her death. the defense maintains jeffrey pyne is innocent. >> somebody else committed this crime. we believe the evidence will show you that. >> reporter: but prosecutors showed some startling evidence of their own. photos of blisters on jeffrey's hands, hours after the murder. he said he got them throwing a shipping pallet. >> i expect a splinter or scrape, other than what looked like a rope burn. >> reporter: the blisters are expected to be the focal point of the prosecution's evidence. but with his own family saying he's innocent and the community at large firmly in jeffrey pyne's corner, will it be enough for a conviction? >> this is a tough case for prosecutors. not only is the physical evidence limited, but you have a really sympathetic defendant. >> reporter: the trial could last two to three weeks. no word from the defense if jeffrey pyne will take the stand in his own defense. if convicted, he could face life
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in prison without parole. >> thank you. time to check the other overnight headlines. for that, we go to ron claiborne. >> in the news, a missouri man is in custody for allegedly planning a massacre at a showing of the new "twilight" movie. blake lamer's mother contacted authorities. >> and the coast guard is searching for two missing workers after an explosion on the platform. four workers are being treated for burns. and mike ditka, former coach of the chicago bears, got it right. is recovering from a -- i wanted to say bulls for some reason. but ginger is correcting me. he is suffered -- recovering from a minor stroke this morning. the current espn analyst tells "the chicago tribune" he is feeling good. and it's not a big deal. sounds like ditka. he had a heart attack when coaching the bears in 1988. and the thought of a world
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without twinkies, is sparking a run on grocery stores nationwide. customers cleared the selves after hostess, makers of snack favorites as twinkies, ding-dongs and fruit pies is shutting down protection because of a strike by some of its workers. now, to the weather. and ginger zee, formerly of chicago. >> go, bears. let's start with a stormy spot. we had the pacific northwest earlier. now, we have to talk about florida. the low-pressure system. 80, miami, today, will have showers with it. a little gusty, too, in parts of the southeast. then, there's the travel weather we have to get to because you're probably making your holiday plans. if you're planning to fly to seattle, a rain/snow mix. charlotte, miami, could be problematic there, as far as rainfall. i'll leave you a look at the holiday travel on the roads. i-95 looking
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>> this weather report has been brought to you by las vegas. i should say before all of the people in michigan get upset with me, that's really my home, i'm a lion at heart. >> okay. dually noted. coming up here on "gma," the nascar challenge. what happens when you put four anchors behind the wheels of the vehicles. our coaches, some of the biggest names in the sport. and rihanna goes first class. it's diamonds in the sky for all of the passengers aboard her private plane. introducing american colors...
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♪ how you like me now if you haven't noticed yet, the four of us can be very competitive. when presented with a damage of going head-to-head in some of the fastest cars in the world, well, it was hard to say no. >> even though some of us would have liked to say no. i'm not going to name any names. but her initials are bianna golodryga. we all went down to the charlotte motor speedway. and the first thing we had to do
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was to learn how to drive all over again. check it out. >> reporter: nascar, where drivers race around the track in speeds of excess of 200 miles per hour. it's very exciting. and very dangerous. simply put, the athletes in this sport are the most skilled drivers on the planet. >> thank you. that is awesome. >> naturally our producers thought it would be a terrific idea to put four of the lead drivers behind the wheel at the charlotte motor speedway. >> welcome to the nascar racing experience. >> the nascar racing experience lets everyday folks experience what it es like to be a nascar driver. >> our journey started in the classroom. >> our number one priority, safety. >> where we got verbal instructions. >> inches off the ground at 150 miles per hour. >> and watched a few videos. we ended the class feeling confident, yet terrified, all at
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the same time. >> i'm really nervous. >> no time for nerves. >> you want to avoid this. >> the good news, we had professional drivers. some of nascar's biggest names, joining us to act as coaches. >> the bad news? >> they went over the problems they've been having with the tires and stuff? >> they thought they were comedians. >> tire issues? >> yeah. it's a thing we had a while back. >> a joke, right? >> next, we suited up, as the reality of what we were about to do started to set in. >> it feels right to me. >> feels so unright to me. show time. almost. >> my fire-retardant shoes. >> we headed to the track with our coaches, greg biffle, and nationwide series and series champ was in my pit. >> my coach, joey logano, the youngest driver ever to win sprint cup rookie of the year honors. >> daryl wallace jr., the newest member of the joe gibbs racing team was there to soothe my
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nerves. >> and carl edwards, there for the sprint cup championship was stuck with me. wait until he hears i can't drive a stick shift. like a true race, we even had a delay. >> we're trying to get the track dr dry so it's safe. >> we bonded with our drivers during the delay. >> we'd be passengers for the first run. >> i feel like bianna's nervous for me. >> as our coaches tried to teach us what to learn when it was our time to race. and gives us pointers. >> have fun. >> ron and i headed out first. >> while our co-anchors were back at pit road, making an impression. >> these two have no idea what's going on.
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>> as they say, ignorance is bliss. >> are you ready? >> no. >> talking about her kids. and she's talked about god. >> before we knew it, we were off. >> an experience a little more intense than that mustang i drove as a teenager. >> it is crazy. >> it is terrifying. >> it has to turn. >> here comes what used to be ginger zee. >> all right. that's good. >> our training done, we said good-bye to our drivers. >> good luck. >> thank you very much. >> that meant only one thing. >> our turn. yeah. this thing is just starting. >> a horror movie. >> our turn. >> close your eyes. >> exactly. you can see what happened on the track tomorrow. and you can vote on who you think will win the race on on yahoo! also tomorrow, a real racing
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champ will be crowned. one of the four of us will win. and on the track at the nascar season finale, at homestead, that's on espn tomorrow at 4:00 eastern. don't miss that. coming up -- >> i'm not in that one. >> coming up on "good morning america," forget the drive-through. how to have it your way at home. that was me... the day i learned i had to start insulin for my type 2 diabetes. me... thinking my only option was the vial and syringe dad used. and me... discovering once-daily levemir® flexpen.
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private plane for her 777 world tour. that's seven shows in seven cities around the world in seven nights. to celebrate her seventh album. the boeing 777 is like a flying tour bus, stocked with champagne and swag. everybody onboard is getting a goody bag, with a special diamond tour bracelet, headphones, rihanna socks. one of the most memorable images from the summer olympics was gold medal gymnast ma kayla maroni and her expression after the vault. the gymnastics team met president obama at the white house. and she looked happy. but she did break out that look again. check out michaela and the president. very impressive, you two. finally, a special treat from me to the four of you in
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new york. burger king has always promised its food your way, right away. now, they're serving it up your way at home. the burger chain is testing delivery service. >> wow. >> at some locations around the country. >> thank you, rachel. >> houston, miami, washington, d.c. and new york. you're welcome. they will deliver your food within 40 minutes. i thought i would give it a try, send you some things your way. burgers, fries, salads, to all of you in new york. supposedly, there's special packaging to keep the burger hot. and the fries, hot and extra crispy. >> it's hot. >> is it good? >> pretty good. pretty good. >> you like it? >> ron and i are going to the burgers. >> can't say no to fries. >> have some fries for me, guys. >> see you next week. we'll be right back. ♪ it's on. it's on. ♪ black friday's almost here. ♪ we should totally go together. ♪
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♪ ok. can we also bring trevor? ♪ ♪ he's hot. ♪ i think we should get those dvds first. ♪ ♪ duh! they're doorbusters. ♪ missing those would be the worst. ♪ totes. ♪ it's on. it's on, ♪ black friday's almost here. ♪ we should totally shop forever. ♪ ♪ smiley face. don't be late. ♪ or whatever. what if you could shop forever? ghirardelli squares peppermint bark.zvous ♪ rich chocolate layers and festive peppermint. a ghirardelli original. ♪ a little reward for all the things you do ♪ get them before they disappear. they're not boots, they're my cats. [ meows ] [ awkward laugh ] [ meows ] [ male announcer ] temptations treats... once you shake 'em, you can't shake 'em.
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tis' the season to treat. [ coughs ] [ baby crying ] ♪ [ male announcer ] robitussin® liquid formula soothes your throat on contact and the active ingredient relieves your cough. robitussin®. don't suffer the coughequences™. capella university understands back from rough economic times. employees are being forced to do more with less. and the need for capable leaders is greater than ever. when you see these problems do you take a step back, or do you want to dive right in? with a degree in business from capella university, you'll have the knowledge to go further in your career than you ever thought possible. let's get started at with over 200 varieties, keurig makes brewing a delicious cup of coffee simple. how does it brew such great coffee? well... inside the brewer are these green fields of coffee,
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and if you travel up this mountain, there's this huge coffee grinder. and then the coffee lands in this cup and water rushes through. actually, i just press this button. brew what you love, simply. keurig.
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take a look at this. in that one-minute break, ron almost devoured -- >> it's my second one. it's really good. >> we want to thank you for watching abc news. we're always online at on yahoo! beure to watch part two of our nation car raceoff tomorrow. see you wins. >> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. >> good morning. the 7:56. d.c. police investigating an fatal stabbing at the metro station.
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two people with stab wounds. died from injuries. and police investigating a fatal that happened around station on the highway.ther king two police officers suspended after making a racist video that spoof, butd to be a officials are not taking it lightly. officers and a third person the foam on "how to black." -- >> sunshine of the potomac river. 39 here in washington. the winds are,. put on your jacket, your winter jacket when you step outside. news, hardly a cloud over head.
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down to the southeast the of a coastal system bring us some clouds thesome heavy rains to outer banks and north carolina. the seasonal average is 57, we today.below 55 for 51 to 55. tomorrow, more sunshine. cloudy. 52 degrees. thanksgiving and a black around 60.peratures >> thank you for watching. we hope you have a great morning.
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